Refresh rate vs Response Time for Gaming Monitors

May 20, 2021

Refresh rate vs Response Time for Gaming Monitors

Are you a serious gamer looking for a monitor with the best possible display interface technology? Do you know the difference between the refresh rate and response time? Both are vital components when it comes to gaming, but understanding the difference between them can make it easier to choose the best monitor for you.

Refresh Rate

The refresh rate of a monitor refers to how often it updates the display image. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), which roughly indicates the number of times per second the image on the monitor is refreshed. A higher refresh rate translates to smoother and clearer images, especially during fast-paced gaming.

For instance, a monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate will update the display image 60 times per second, while a 144Hz monitor will refresh 144 times per second. Higher refresh rates result in lower motion blur and reduced input lag, which means a smoother gaming experience.

Response Time

Response time, on the other hand, refers to how quickly individual pixels can change from gray to another color, measured in milliseconds (ms). A lower response time results in less motion blur and faster image transitions, which is especially critical in fast-moving games.

Response time also impacts input lag, which is the delay between the time you press a button or move the mouse, and the corresponding action shows up on the monitor. A lower response time means less input lag, which is particularly important in games that rely on quick reflexes.

Which One is More Important?

Both refresh rate and response times are essential when choosing a gaming monitor, but if you had to choose one, it would be the refresh rate. A higher refresh rate will give you a smooth gaming experience, while a lower response time will give you less motion blur.

However, most gamers prefer a balance of both attributes, with a refresh rate above 120Hz and a response time below 5ms.


Purchasing a gaming monitor can be a challenging decision, but understanding the basics of display interface technology, specifically refresh rates and response times, can make it easier to make an informed choice. Ultimately, the goal is to find a monitor that meets your specific requirements and budget.

We hope that this comparison of the refresh rate vs response time for gaming monitors has given you helpful information. Happy gaming!


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